Develop a customized Design and Construction Standard that aligned with the client’s cross-functional sustainability programs, commitment to third-party green building certification systems, and the mission critical project delivery process.
Develop a customized Design and Construction Standard that aligned with the client’s cross-functional sustainability programs, commitment to third-party green building certification systems, and the mission critical project delivery process.
Throughout the process, Stok worked with the client to solidify the “why” behind the unique scope of work, ensuring that the client’s sustainability vision was the ultimate driver behind each decision made. With that “why” in mind, Stok led strategic visioning and SMART goal setting with key stakeholders.
Stok used the client’s refined goals and environmental impact baseline to craft a Sustainability Action Plan (Data Center Design and Construction Sustainability Standard) inclusive of thoughtful, innovative design strategies selected to meet specific sustainability targets.
Early on, Stok facilitated a sustainable design philosophy, vision, and mission workshop with key stakeholders, then developed guiding documents based on outcomes of the workshop. For implementation, Stok created standard supplemental guidance and project-specific implementation tools. Stok also developed executive-level communication content and resources for the client.