Stok supported Sephora with the development of a Retail Energy Efficiency Action Plan to achieve their goal to reduce carbon emissions by 25% by 2020.

At a Glance

North America
North America
  • Portfolio Energy Performance Data & Trend Analysis
  • Carbon Intensity Calculations
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Energy Efficiency Assessments
  • Optimal Environmental & Financial EEM Benefits Analysis
  • EEM Calculations
  • EEM Financial Case

The Challenge

Sephora and LVMH set a goal for 25% reduction in energy and carbon from stores by 2020 (from 2013 baseline) through energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions.

  • Work with Sephora and its stakeholders to develop an energy efficiency action plan that enables them to reduce their energy impacts while supporting business growth
  • Calculate the reductions required by analyzing and calculating the current and historical energy usage across Sephora’s entire North America retail fleet, as well as their projected energy consumption through 2020
  • Combine the energy calculations, extensive stakeholder input, and analysis of Sephora’s current retail design and operations to identify and prioritize energy efficiency and related cost saving measures for existing locations, remodels and expansions, and new store design

The Action Plan will ultimately inform Sephora on the steps to take to improve existing store operations, reduce costs, and enhance future store designs and operations to improve their retail environment and demonstrate Sephora as a responsible corporate citizen.

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The Solution


Stok provided portfolio energy performance data and trend analysis, including projections for an increase in Sephora’s North America retail fleet energy use intensity (EUI) through 2020, as well as carbon intensity calculations of the North America retail fleet through 2020.


Stok guided Sephora through stakeholder engagement exercises across disciplines and departments, convening sessions to collectively identify and assess energy efficiency measure (EEM) opportunities.


Stok completed Energy Efficiency Assessments to identify EEM opportunities based on current operations and design variations within Sephora’s retail fleet. This included an analysis and prioritization of optimal environmental and financial benefits of EEMs. Stok then developed EEM calculations and business cases for strategies relevant to existing stores, remodels and expansions, and new store design standards.


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Project Leadership

Devon Bertram