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Real Estate
Adam Guli
Client Solutions | Strategic Growth
Client Solutions | Strategic Growth
The future I want to live in is more inclusive and less divisive in our goals to...
Alice Contopoulos
Communications | Branding
Communications | Branding
I want a future where communities are healthy, connected, and empowered by...
Alison Crossley
LEED | WELL | Strategy | Materials
LEED | WELL | Strategy | Materials
I want to live in a future where sustainability is no longer a career but an...
Ally Duncan
MBCx | Measurement & Verification | ZNE | LEED
MBCx | Measurement & Verification | ZNE | LEED
A place with an equitable and clean environment for all to experience, where...
Anat Revai
LEED | LBC | Materials
LEED | LBC | Materials
I want a future where we can see the beauty of God and nature everywhere, and...
Andres Gutierrez
Embodied Carbon | Structures | LCA
Embodied Carbon | Structures | LCA
A future where buildings are a solution to climate change, not a threat. Where...
Archan Shah
Commissioning | Energy Audits
Commissioning | Energy Audits
My ideal future would be a time where a thriving economy is built to meet the...
I'm pretty fixated on food and to be honest, I mostly work at Stok for the...
Boris Gamazaychikov
Carbon Services | Corporate Sustainability Strategy
Carbon Services | Corporate Sustainability Strategy
In the future I want to live in, buildings are one of the world’s greatest...
Brittany Saulsbury
I want to live in a future where we work together to solve the climate crisis. I...
Bryan Hee
Commissioning | Energy Audits | Measurement & Verification
Commissioning | Energy Audits | Measurement & Verification
I want to live in a future that values and prioritizes environmental and social...
Burke Pemberton
Finance | Accounting | Operations
Finance | Accounting | Operations
I envision a society built on sound economics where businesses create the...
Charlie Christenson
Energy Modeling | ZNE | LEED
Energy Modeling | ZNE | LEED
I want to live in a future that I will be proud to hand to my children. Forget...
Christian Park
LEED | ZNE | Project Management
LEED | ZNE | Project Management
I want a future where we talk to each other and realize the long term cost of...
Christina Weber
Strategic Growth | Client Solutions
Strategic Growth | Client Solutions
I dream of a future where we are working together to solve the climate crisis...
Danielle Kaplan
LEED | Energy Modeling
LEED | Energy Modeling
Where protecting and increasing biodiversity is a global priority. Where...
Devon Bertram
I want a future where all feel a sense of belonging, safety, connection,...
Emmy So
Owner Representation | Project Strategy | Workplace Strategy
Owner Representation | Project Strategy | Workplace Strategy
I dream of living in a future where the air and water heals, and the earth’s...
Office Happy Hour Vacuum
Office Happy Hour Vacuum
If you think designing a Zero Carbon building is hard, try making it up the...
Jacob Arlein
Strategic Growth | Sustainable Buildings
Strategic Growth | Sustainable Buildings
I want to live in a future where people work together to solve the climate...
Jamie Shirey
Operations | Marketing
Operations | Marketing
I want to live in a socially equitable world governed by love for our fellow...
Jared Rickman
I want to live in a future that is built on restorative stewardship. We...
Jason Breede
I want to live in a world of kindness. A world that measures achievement in how...
Nature fuels me. No, really, I chew up all our office plants…...
Jeffrey Marshall
Business Development | Sustainable Buildings
Business Development | Sustainable Buildings
I want to be surrounded by a lot of grandchildren, in awe of their imagination...
Jeremy Attema
Financial Analysis | Strategy
Financial Analysis | Strategy
The future I want to live in is one where high-level / quick decisions are...
Jess Pearson
A future that’s sustainable, with renewable energy, that’s innovative. A...
Jolene Goldsmith
I hope to live in a future where all businesses exist to support and care for,...
Josiah Ives
Energy Modeling | ZNE | LEED
Energy Modeling | ZNE | LEED
I want to live in a future where we take care of ourselves by taking care of...
Karan Pawar
Commissioning | Energy Audits | Benchmarking
Commissioning | Energy Audits | Benchmarking
I want to see a future where we have living buildings – and create an...
Katie Bachman
Strategy | Materials | LEED
Strategy | Materials | LEED
A place without a climate crisis, where social equity and environmental...
Katie Stanford
LEED | Strategy | Materials
LEED | Strategy | Materials
I am an eternal optimist. Even after the craziness of 2020, I still believe...
Kristen Hershowitz
WELL | LBC | Materials
WELL | LBC | Materials
A place where all “waste” produced by humans, whether biological or...
Linda Tim
GreenPoint Rated
GreenPoint Rated
I want to live in a future where people and our leaders prioritize our...
Loc Nguyen
Analytics | Finance
Analytics | Finance
I want a future where people live with empathy and harmony. Through education,...
Maggie Ma
LEED | WELL | Materials
LEED | WELL | Materials
A fossil-fuel free world that cultivates and encourages collaboration,...
Matt Macko
Real Estate Advisory | Financial Analysis | Strategy
Real Estate Advisory | Financial Analysis | Strategy
I want to live in a future where I can be sure the air, water, and food we...
Melissa Daly
Energy Modeling | ZNE | LEED
Energy Modeling | ZNE | LEED
I want to live in a world that truly embraces sustainability by maintaining all...
Michael Hummel
Project Management | ZNE | LEED
Project Management | ZNE | LEED
I want a future where Stok delivers regenerative floating cities....
Michelle Kotula
Project Management | LEED
Project Management | LEED
Tomorrow is the future! I want every day to be intentional, to remove “the...
Michelle Tang
Energy Modeling | ZNE | LEED
Energy Modeling | ZNE | LEED
I want to live in an equitable future where health (of people and the world) is...
Mika Mai
Energy Modeling | LEED | ZNE
Energy Modeling | LEED | ZNE
I want to live in a world where people no longer need to fight for energy and...
Thanks to a beloved childhood toy, I was fondly referred to as "The Duck" for...
Paula Przybylski
Materials | Strategy | LEED
Materials | Strategy | LEED
I want a world that is equitable, sustainable, and beautiful, where access to...
Phoebe Pierce
Marketing | Operations
Marketing | Operations
Having spent significant time in areas of high homelessness, I would like to see...
Dibs on every tennis ball ever created....
Sandy Houck
Measurement & Verification | Daylight Modeling | ZNE | LEED
Measurement & Verification | Daylight Modeling | ZNE | LEED
I want to live in a socially equitable world where every person has access to an...
Sang Nguyen
Finance | Accounting | Operations
Finance | Accounting | Operations
I look forward to living in a world where future generations will still have...
I hold the Guinness World Record for most leashes destroyed in a one-month...
Project Man('s Best Friend)ager
Project Man('s Best Friend)ager
*pant pant breathe breathe excite excite*...
Tatiana Gefter
LEED | WELL | Materials
LEED | WELL | Materials
I want a future that moves beyond “sustainable” to become a regenerative and...
Tim Hreha
MBCx | Energy Modeling | ZNE | LEED
MBCx | Energy Modeling | ZNE | LEED
I want to live in a future where we all spend minimal time commuting to work,...
Wenhan Qiu
Commissioning | Benchmarking
Commissioning | Benchmarking
The future I want to live in where everyone has a safe and collaborative place...
Xun Jia
ZNE | Energy Modeling
ZNE | Energy Modeling
I want to live in a future that’s carbon-free....
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